2002-10-20 - 3:40 p.m.
A better issac's night

First off i think the whole world should know how GREAT Lindsay and Tarah are. They are honestly the greatest people in this world...Last tuesday their away messages read "on a secret mission", and of cource NOONE would tell me what it was. I got a little info outta tarah and she told me it was a surprise for me, lisa, and robin *ie-the crew kids off at university*..So today i get a package in the mail *along with a huge package, and 3 letters, wow, thats a record!*..and it was a video. Well these great gals spent 6 hours of their time on tuesday and made a video for us...they went around pickering filming different locations, got the boys to say little messages, had memories, EVERYTHING..it was the best, most thoughtful thing anyone had done! I started watching it, and started to cry...I cant put into words how much it meant...if these arent true friends, i dont know what is. THANK YOU GUYS! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

anyways im sure your all curious as to my night last night.If you remember last week after my night at issac's i pretty much NEVER wanted to drink/go out again..but again as the week went on, i became more comfortable here, so i DID go to issac's last night..and i must say, IT WASNT A REPEAT of the week before *thank god* and i had a GREATTTTT time:)

So me and jamie got ready, and met up with Elyse around 10. We waited in line for about 30 minutes,and after a little troubles getting in *ie-because i lost jamies drivers lisence, she had to use her birthcertific.....* but the point is, WE GOT IN! Drinks are only 2 dollars til 11, so we headed STRAIGHT to the bar, and each got two beers..And yes im happy to say i only brought 8 dollars with me, to insure i wouldnt drink TOOO much. Theer were a TON of people there. Acually waiting in line i looked over somewhere, and saw someone waving to me, you know when you see someone looking/waving at you, you sorta pause to first see if they are acually WAVING AT YOU, and second to figure out who it is. Well it was hot boy john!!!! Yes him waving at me, made me very excited! oh but the encounters with johny-boy dont stop there....

So me, jamie, and elyse went on the upstairs part of the bar, and we chatted it up with this guy jeremy who worked there. Very cool/hot guy, and he invited us to his keg party happening tonight...We finished our beers, than headed down to the dance floor!!!! WOOOOO...i love dancing:) They played really good music too, some OLD SCHOOL tracks...

So ya in total i had two beers, and two mixed drinks..NOT TOO SHABBY, it was good cause i wasnt PLASTERED, but i was good and buzzed...No sickness feeling!! So ya i pretty much danced it up the whole night..good fun..ya so i think me and jamie were walking back to the washroom *keep in mind this place is PACKED* and outta nowhere someone grabs my hand..i look to the side and it was JOHN!! awww...i was walking one way and him the other, and he just smiled..awww i was thinking about it today, and he is DEFINATLY my goal for the year..And outta ALL the guys ive met he is someone id really consider liking..He is a hottie, ive acually TALKED to him, and he shows me attention:) awww...ok..sorry im in my little dream world!

So me and the girls were dancing, and this guy jay, whom jamie met the first night, came over and started telling jamie he was looking all over for her..So anyways they start dancing..blah blah..so i started dancing with his friend...anyways me and jamie go and dance on the speaker, and jay and the guy kept staring at us, blowing kisses and such...Me and Jamie went over to the bar, and jay pulls me to the side and tells me his friend likes me *what is it with guys LIKING me...how can you LIKE someone you dont even talk to...whatever*...So he introduced me to him *his name is derek btw*...So ya jamie went off and danced with Jay, so i started talking/dancing with Derek. He kept telling me how cute and sweet i was, and kept hugging me. It was weird, but whatever. I kissed him *yes tawnya and her kissing...*. Jamie was PISS drunk, and her and jay were all over each other. Issac's closed at 2am, so Derek invited us back to his house to "watch movies". HAHA. I really didnt want to go, cause i really didnt want a repeat of last week. We came back to our res, and this derek guy REALLY wanted some action or summin from me. Jamie has a single room so jay was gonna sleep over, and derek kept saying how crappy it was i had a double room. He kept INSISTING i come back to his house, but sorry budddy im not that easy! So i went into my room, and went to bed. OH BUT THAT didnt stop him, he comes into my room *vicky is sleeping btw* and sit on my bed, telling ME TO move over!! I told him i was tired, and was going to bed, but he PUSHED me over on MY bed and told me he needed to sleep somewhere. FUCK DO GUYS EVER GET THE MESSAGE! When i didnt move over and told him to go, he proceeded to ask me why i was mad. OH SORRY was i suppost to take off my clothes and BEG you to take me back to your place...gaa guys are so stupid and horn-dogs..So after like 15 minutes he FINALLy got the clue, and kissed me on my forehead and left..whatever buddy.

SO YA jamie had an INTERESTING night, and probably a repeat of what i had the last thursday. SHE drank WAY TOO MUCH, and definaltly felt it this morning.aww i think everyone will have those nights in uni! Well otherwise all is good:) i Had a great night, and its FRIDAY!!! have a good weekend alllll:)

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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