2002-10-19 - 5:19 p.m.
Ramble about University

i offically hate doing laundry. The machine ate like 2 dollars worth of my quarters, and they just wouldnt work for me...bahhhh...damn them, but i finally got them to work, and now i must wait an hour for my clothes to dry dry dry:)

SO im finally really settling in here...but just as im settling in and getting used to university life, it seems like everyone eles is having "break-downs"...I dont know, i think thats what happened to me on thursday.. Jamie has been getting like that the last few days, and we had a good talk about it last night. I know im definatly not alone. All these feeling that i have had for the past 2 weeks are normal. University is SOOOOO overwelming, it really is. With all the classes starting this week, it puts alot on ya, you really start to think that YOU are here for 8 months, and that you ARENT here for just fun and games, but for SCHOOL. Yes of cource part of going to university is fun, and partying, etc..but thats not the MAIN reason we are all here, so i guess ive really reliesed that...But i love it here, and im slowly but surely getting used to it:)

Oh man, some of the classes are pure jokes. Yesterday in my communications lecture with my crazy-crack-head of a prof, he made us all take a survery of what we considered sex...a yes or no survery with pretty much every sexual thing you can do, and whether or not we consider it sex...hmm if this is what university is all about, im glad im here! hahaha..and than in my film class the teacher started talking about how sex takes alot out of ya, and all this stuff...i started thinking if i was at Brock or at SEX U. hmmm no complaining!

*laughs*...anyways ya ive just been chilling around res, joking around with people,and just having fun..oh and of cource going to class! Tonight is Issac's night, and im not sure if im gonna go. I was talking to this girl in my house and i think everyone is feeling the way i do. Everyone is tired, and not sure of whether or not to go out tonight. I think if i DO go out itll be a crazy last minute thing!

Well im getting distracted by things..so bye.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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