2002-12-24 - 12:00 a.m.
To the point!

are you ever so overwelmed ya wanna scream..but like a good scream.

I could bitch right now..but im not gonna..i feel like i have SOOOOOO much to do in so little time...Every two seconds more and more things happen. Ok ive got less than two weeks now, and do u all think im gonna be able to fill in all the possible things i want to do. This week is packed. Tommrowa-xmas eve, aunt comes over, all that family lovey-dovey...wendesday-christmas, no need to comment. Thursday-boxing day..i think people want to go shopping, and markus invited me and whoever to go to thirstmonk....not sure if ill go, but its summin right. Friday-Fun day with people. Go shopping, skating, pretank at robins, that hit up the fiddle. Saturday-Navin party.

Ok so maybe i still have time. So many more things i have to do the next week. I was talking to jmo tonight, and she said a bunch of people from around toronto are meeting up in toronto, and we are all gonna go hit the bars. Definatly looking forward to seein Brock people. Karen also called me tonight. Didnt get the message til i got home, but she wants to meet up for coffee, so gotta call when im not busy, which will prob be next week. Talking to armstrong right now, and i wanna do summin with him and douggy too. I also got the surprise things for my parents on the 4th...HMMMM think ill have time for all this? I do..i hope..ahhhhhh. I swear everytime i come home, i look forward to relaxing, and it honestly never happens.

Last night i went to wendys/tims with navin. Had a really good talk, reliesed even more that navin is one of the greatest guys ive ever met, and i love just talking to people. The beers that i did drink made me very buzzed at first, but the talking definaltly sobered me up. I saw Peter P. who i havent seen since summer, so it was nice to see him. Miss that kid tons, and hope i get to work with him this summer again IF i work at the zoo. Looks like i might wanna be working up in a resort in musoka..I dont think i can live in ptown anymore. But thats a whole different story.

Tonight i went out with Lindsay, Rob-Rob, tarah, navs and rob to east side marios.. Very nice...ummm..what eles. Life is very weird right now...the weirdest stuff is happening....Cant really explain..I guess if you read the above entry it would explain it all right there. Ok lots on the mind, but too tired..so night. short and to the point!

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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