2003-01-21 - 12:41 a.m.
Good and more good!

Fucking nanchoweb or whatever the hell it is. First off ROBIN that entry impressed the hell out of me. You are one talented cookie, and one kick ass writer! woo hoo.

ANYWAYS back to the not really so exciting life of tawnya. This weekend had its ups and downs. Definatly not the best weekend ive had here, but oh well. I think im still recovering from thursday night, and thats why i want nachoweb to work cause i was gonna put up some of the pictures from thursday Jordon *this is Jordon, tracy and dawns friend, whom i saw during the break at Monks*, took a SHIT LOAD of pictures with his dital camera, and sent me all of them. Honestly dont remember being in ANY OF THEM, oh i sure was. I think im only gonna put up one of them, because it was when i acually rememeber things and didnt really look like a fucking drunk like i do in the other ones.The other ones are seriously bad, i look like a fucking drunk...and so does everyone eles. Not something to really brag about or be happy about..but shit happens. So if ya wanna see more pictures you can ask me and i will share, but id rather not let the whole world see me as a complete drunk. You all hear more than enough in my last entry...Pictures to go along would be terrible...

So saturday night i think i metioned i stayed in. Well i went to bed *finished the novel i had to read too, woo woo* and around 3am i get woken up by jamie telling me she has to tell me something. So she tells me Dan *he lives in my house* is in the hospital. This immediatly wakes me up. So what happen was he was really drunk and bucks was crazy packed, and he accidently knocked into some girl *happens all the time there*, some huge guy than starts yelling and telling dan to say sorry to the girl. Dan being drunk, just laughs and walks to the washroom. So dan comes outta the washroom, and this guy takes a pool ball in his hand, and beats the shit outta dan. Jamie said she say dan walk into the back room, and it was the worst thing we has ever seen...blood EVERYWHERE, and she started to cry. So dan was rushed to the hospital, cops EVERYWHERE, and surprisly they didnt kick everyone out. Jamie said she has never seen so many cops in her life, and never been so scared. So Dan's eye got cut, he came EVERY close to going blind in the one eye, and it about the size of a tennis ball around. His jaw was broken big time in two places. Tracy went to visit him in the hospital the next day and she said it was like one side on his face and jaw moved down like 2 centimeters..his teeth and face is fucked....he is gonna have to have his jaw wired shut for 8 weeks. It was really scary and i think he is coming back to res...:( So scary to have something like that happen to someone you know. So everyone told me it was good i stayed in, cause it wasnt the best night ever.

Yesterday i just lounged around res...finished up my presentation..and happy to say it gone done today! SOOOO happy it is done:) I also got my english essay back today, 70 percent!!! YOU DONT understand HOW HAPPY this made me. If youve been reading my journal since last year, you might remember about this time last year, i had MANY breakdowns because of my OAC english teacher. Who pretty much told me i didnt belong in OAC, i wasnt gonna make it in life, i couldnt write for shit..and he told me he felt sorry for me, so he gave me a 50percent on one of my essays but it really deserved lower...WELL FUCK YOU, cause i got 70 percent in an uni english class you mother fucker!!! eat that. hahhaa..sorry..im really happy:) 70's make me happy..and my prof gave me all these nice comments about how good of a paper it was..woo hooo.

So ya im really happy cause it seems like this week is almost over since really it end on wednesday! Thursday afternook im going up to SUDBARY to visit my robin til sunday....looking forward to that. Something new, something to do:) woo woo....Um thats all i have to say right now:) I miss my family too:( I think im gonna go home on the weekend of the 31st..my dad's birthday, and i miss home....So ya, lots of travelling to do:) Ok sleep time. Love you!

stupid ranchoweb hates me..so no picture for u. Sorry maybe next time.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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