2003-02-07 - 10:28 p.m.
short description my ass

Hey hey. If you didn�t read the last entry its all about my other blog journal. So go check it out�

Now I think last time I wrote I was talking about our volleyball game that night. OHH IT WAS DAMN fun. So we had our first two games on Wednesday night. The first team we beat 40-11, and the second one was closer, but we won 25-20. it was soooo much fun, at one point I was on the floor laughing so hard, cause it was damn funny as well. Jamie-way to take one for the team!!!! I think I just chillaxed the rest of the night, Jamie bought me foood *cause im poor still * and I eventually went to bed.

Oh ya actually that night I talked to Kevin for a long time. If you read my other blog you might already know that. I think I m starting to have a crush on him. I saw him like a million and two times on Wednesday, but didn�t see him in film class. He messaged me later that night saying �WAY to ditch me in film class�. HEHE. So we talked about stuff. He actually used to live in pickering when he was like 6 or summin, so he knows some people I know, and we talked about how little there is to do in our towns *he is from newmarket *. It weird cause we have soo much in common and our personalities are really similar. I think we get along so good, because he honestly would be someone I would have been friends with in highschool. We got talking about how there is nothing to do in our towns, and he starts going on about how him and his friends used to drive around and throw shit at all the �homie kids� and prosta-tots�I was like NO WAY, that�s all I did for a while back in highschool when we had NOTHING ELES TO DO * ya I know we were huge losers, but it was fun, driving around causing a ruckus, going crazy to the punk rock! Those were some funny days! *. So ya. It weird cause I mean he isn�t someone I would see on the streets and go �OMG he is soo hot� or ever really approach or consider liking. But now that im getting to know him, he is soooo cool, and so cute, and so easy to get along with. It really reminds me of the way I liked Andrew *if you remember him *. I mean he wasn�t someone I ever really thought was physically �my type �, but once I started talking to him, and I could be myself around, and have a good time, and put a smile on my face, it made him THAT much better looking *well before he turned into an asshole at the end *. I just love his �punk� style too�I was thinking about it the other day, and I have so many �types of guys� I like.

So ya Thursday..hmm I guess I will just jump to the night time. We started drinking later that night, I had the rest of my vanilla snapps, and like 6 shots of goldschlogger. Pretty hammed before I left once again. I was talking to Kevin when I was getting ready, and I was telling him how I like to fight people when Im drunk, so we are going to hang out tommrowa night, get drunk, than go downtown st catties and pick on �homie kids�. Haha should be fun..causing a ruckus, oh how I miss it! Now I have someone to go to punk shows with too!!! Yayaya�So me, carly and jmo left for Isaacs at 10, knew people at the front of the line so we got in right away. We walk in, and they were giving away FREE mikes hard. I hate mikes hard, cause EVERYTIME I drank them *This was back in like grade 11 * I would get SOOOOOOO sick..But free alcohol is free alchol. So we went back a few more times for more free ones until they ran out. Everyone in our house was chilling upstairs so we chilled up there, looking over to all the people on the floor. By this time I was plastered, I don�t really remember things up there, besides me probably dancing around like an idiot. When me and jme�s song came on, we literally RAN downstairs, and onto the speakers to dance it up! Crazy fun. I got a few more drinks, danced around, you know the usual. HAHAH one of the bartenders was actually the bouncer from Tuesday night *remember, MAHONEY EH? Epoisode *. So he sees me , and YELLS MAHONEYYYY and give me a high five. Jamie was dieing of laughing cause he actually remembered who I was. Haha. So than I started to get all weird and started to think, WHY AM I HERE..its all the same people everyweek, all the same horny guys who are all over every girl and their mothers�I as dancing with this guy, and he was all over me, and he kinda spilt beer on me. It HAPPENS ALL THE TIME, but it never really bugged me til last night. So I walked away, and was with Christine, when some guy spills beer all over my shirt. I got fucking pissed, I think I yelled at him, than stood there, said �fuck this� and went home. Hahahhaa..now that I look back on it it was pretty funny, I was telling Jamie this morning and she couldn�t stop laughing. I was defiantly PMSing and when it was a bad drunk I guess. So I got back to res, and I changed my MSN name to �im hammed, I need someone to talk to.ahh� and within two seconds like 100 people messages me asking If I was ok. Brenda was like �tawnya are you ok, come up to my room if you need to talk� HAHA it was funny cause nothing was wrong I was just bored. So a bit after Christine,jen,this guy Jeremy and erin came back. They were all SOOOO drunk it was funny, so we jumped into jasons bed trying to convince him to take us to get food. That went on for what seemed like forever..but he didnt..so we chilled in the lounge. After a adventure around rez, I passed out.

So today was pretty good. Good times are lunch and dinner, it was all jokes�Im staying in tonight, like every Friday, cause im damn tired and gotta rest up. Im talking to Kevin now, man everytime I talk to him I want to marry him some more. Hahaha im watching this show on TLC on tattoos and piercings so I told him to watch and we got into a big talk about piercings�.ahhhhhhh my weak spot�ya he has had a lot of piercings, but had to take out a lot cause of what he wants to do in life..But ya�piercingssss�.*drools *.

Ok gonna watch my show. This entry has taken me like 4 hours.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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