2003-05-06 - 9:44 p.m.
Fuck im tired.

I was gonna update, but i got carried away on EBAY, and started looking for CD's to buy, now that i have an income..oh man..who needs to go OUT shopping when you have EBAY...This is gonna be bad.

So now im extremely tired, and my legs hurt, and im not used to this standing for 8 hours business yet. Its gonna take me a few weeks to get used to this. I really dont know how i did it last summer. I dont know how i worked 8 hours, didnt even get to step in the door of my house, than Tarah told me everyone was going out, SOMEWHERE. i would go out til 1 or 2, and sleep like zero hours, than repeat. Man, i dont think i can do that this summer, or maybe i just need time to get used to not being so damn lazy. I am looking forward to Thursday thou!

Anyways i have lots to write about, but no energy. I have to work at 8;30 tommrowa morning, and i will probably be spent home, but oh well. I cant believe it is 9:45 and im gonna go to bed. Than again i think if i wrote about my day yesterday, than you would understand. I really wanted to make this cool poster/frame im gonna work on revolving around the concerts and bands i like, and i was gonna start that tonight, but no energy. Its gonna be cool when it is done thou.....ohhh yaa..its all in the mind.

Ok im going to sleep, i am pathelic...whatever its one night, i need to relax and SLEEEP. Ok good night:)

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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