2003-05-09 - 11:49 p.m.

Ok im fucking dead tired..i cant even move. I dont know why im updating, i just figure im gonna have NO TIME this weekend, and whatever. Im not gonna go into great details, thats all!

So yesterday was fucking awsome. I woke up, and got an email from Trina saying she would in in Toronto at 12:20. To make a VERY VERY long story short, i ended up waiting at Scar. Town Center for 2 hours +, and finally find her, and we went to pick up Tar from school, and all that stufff. We came back, and my cousin Cait arrived shortly after. She goes to school in Quebec, and her sister *my cousin Lynn* lives about an hour away, so she was staying with her for a week, before going back home to New Jersey. So Cait dropped by for the night! Soooooo good to see her, she is probably my closest cousin, only one the same age as me, and we just get along really good! I havent seen her for years, but still the same old Cait i love! So we chillaxed, caught up, than we all headed out to run some errands around pickering *ie-liquour run!*.

We got back, and goodtimes back home, and got ready for last night. I invited a bunch of people to come over to Pre-tank, i think there was like 12 or more all together. We played some drinking games, and pretty much drank and drank. Tarah, Mike, and Robin drove all of us at 10 over to the Raven and Firkin. Ive never been there before, but i like it alot! So we got there, and there was a fair amount of people. Lindsay G and Tim were there, so i talked to them, saw Lisa's friends Mark and all those guys...haha. Lisa told me before we went that she talked to Greg and he was asking about me and stuff, so when we got there, Lisa comes and gets me, and asks if i seen Greg yet, yadda yadda yadda. haha. So ya, i hung out with Cait, and Trina most of the night. We had our little booth, and people would come up and we would chat it up. We got a few pitchers, and it was DEFINATLY good times! I acually had a REALLY REALLY good night. I think im really liking Greg, he was really nice, and like came and sat with us, and talked it up with me and Cait *which i was very impressed that he seemed interesting in getting to know Cait as well, i dont know why that impressed me*. Cait the WHOLE night was telling me "Go for him, tawnya if you dont, i'll hunt you down....If i wasnt your cousin and didnt live so far away i would go for him.." HAHAH so apparently she is gonna email me every week to get updates! hahahha i love that girl!

Oh what FUCKING pissed me off last night was Arron who was bugging the shit outta me, telling me to go dance with mike, and just really pressuring and bugging me. I really really really hate people who do that. I hate being pressured to do stuff. I felt bad, cause i was being a bitch to him, BUT STILL..ahhhhh...why do i have other people relaying messages to me..really. Ya some other stupidness annoyed the fuck outta me, but what ya gonna do. Robin's friends from University were there, so that was cool, cause they are the cooooolest! hahaha.

People kept telling me to go dance, but i just wasnt in a dancing mood for some reason. I didnt want to leave Trina and Cait alone *even thought, people were sitting and talking to them, i just wanted to spend time with them*. It was good thou. Later in the night, i think it was Robin who told me Greg was looking for me, so he came up to me, and told me he wants to get to know me, ya ya, so i gave him my number, and email, so ya ya, score team tawnya again! hahaha...Lisa metioned today that we might go hang out with those boys tommrowa night, so that should be fun!

Ummmmmm ya other stuff happened, but ill just cut it short. So Trina and Alex S. were together like the WHOLE night, so when it was time to leave, Mike said he could drive us home..but Trina wanted to stay, so we told her we would wait up for her to come home. Oh man i kinda felt bad, cause the whole ride back me and Cait were chatting up a storm, and i just felt bad *i dont know why, but i remember i did*. So we got home, heated up some pizza, and started watching a movie *and talking about all the stories from that night*. About 20 minutes later i hear a knock on the door, expecting it to be Trina, i run upstairs, open the door, and it was Markus and Axle PISS drunk and they were like "we are crashing at your house!" That was news to me. So TRINA stayed over at Alex's house *he lives on my street*, and they needed someone to sleep. HAHAHA, we left them in the basement, and me and Cait come into my room, and talk to people on MSN, and started figuring out WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON. Trina messaged me, she was soo drunk, and she asked if it was okay she stayed over, HEY she is a big girl, she can make her own decisions, and its not like it was a random guy we didnt know! So ya, me and cait had a good laugh, than passed out. I had the worst sleep ever, and had to work today at 10;30. Trina didnt get home til 1pm, hahahhah. Oh man. Work was so boring..

Tarah's prom was tonight. i hope she is having a good time! I heard Urbas and Alex were looking good!!! aw how cute, i wish i could have seen my sister *man i missed her graduation and prom, TARAH I WILL NOT MISS YOUR WEDDING!!!*. sO I cant wait to see the pictures!!!

Ok my eyes are closing on me...i have to work tommorw at 10:30 again. I Feel so bad, cause Trina is visiting til sunday, and i have to work everyday:(

Ok bed now..yes.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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