2003-05-11 - 10:13 p.m.
No work, all play!

Hey hey.

This will be quick, not MUCH to talk about. So as i said Friday we did nothing, just watched this documentary on models with my mom and Trina. Went to bed early.

Saturday i was working at 10:30..i got to work, and they asked 'Who wants to go home", right away i screamed "i do, i do" and they sent me home! So glad they did, cause i was dissapointed i had to work everyday Trina was here! So i waited around at home for her and my mom to get back from the mall. Tarah got back from her Prom, and i was so happy to here she had a fucking awsome time!!! So we got ready, than us 3 girls went to Canada's Wonderland. Good times for sure, even if we were on one of the rollercoasters when it started to POUR (AND I MEAN POUR) rain. it was fun thou, and Trina had fun so thats all that matters.

We got back home around 8ish, had some dinner, than i made plans with Lisa. Plans were switching every two seconds, but we all decided to have a monopoly night. Lisa and Robin came over, and we played some Simpsons monopoly and talked. Robin left around 11, and Lindsay W came over a bit later. We watched Sex in the City *i think its my new favorite show now*, and we decided that, that will be us in 10 years. HAHAHHA..Sitting at a baseball game, drinking beer, talking about our sex lives, and our lack of husbands! hahaha. hahh we are honestly the biggest losers, but i love it. We are gonna make a "point system" for guys we like now. they get points for certain things. Yes, we really do base our lives around guys, its sad. Oh ya, Lisa asked me if Greg called me yesterday, cause apparently he was suppost to *man news travels everywhere now adays...* My mom woke me up this morning, and was like "Tawnya, a boy called for you yesterday..woooooo, who is this one?". Thanks mom. My mom likes to keep track of all the guys in my life...

Ummm today i was suppost to work again at 10:30. HOWEVER it was POURIN rain, so i called into work to see if they needed me, and BOO-YA they didnt!!! So another day free to chill with Trina. So WHAT do you do on your day off from working at the zoo??? GO TO THE ZOOO! so me and Trina went around 11, and see took lots of pictures of the Canadian animals *haha its so funny*, and we had a good old time. We were there for like 3 hours, than came back here, and chilled. I think i fell alseep for a few hours, and we had dinner, than Trina had to go:( She is really busy, going to new york this week, and spending time with her "candian family", but im gonna try to get a day off work at the end of May and go visit her in Niagara Falls before she goes home forever:( *tear*.

Ok thats about it. Kevin is trying to convince me to go to AFI with him, but i got beaten up at the fucking Good Charlotte and The ataris Shows, so i dont even wanna imagine what would happen at AFI..oh man..whatever..ok night.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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