2003-05-13 - 2:09 a.m.
No complaints!

I feel like updating.

I worked today, even thought there was NOONE at the fucking zoo, but i definatly had some goodtimes, and i now think more people think im fucking insane, with all my stories i tell, but its all good. :) Did absolutly nothing, and got paid for it...:)

I have the next two days off, so i really wanted to do something tonight, ANYTHING...i was getting ready, making plans with Lisa, Greg called me. We talked for about an hour...it was good.....thumbs up. Lisa is telling me to invite him with us on Thursday night to the Punk concert we are going to downtown, so i think i just might. He invited me to a party on friday, but i already made plans to go to another party...

Tonight Lisa's friend Peter picked us up, and we met up with Mark and aaron, and went over to Aaron's house to drink and watch a movie. Good times. I only had a fucking beer and this Tabu coooler, Cait forgot to bring home with her, and i was feeling it. Its so fucked up how everytime i drink my tolerance is different. I was going the washroom every two seconds, and i think because im fucking tired as hell i was feeling it. We watched American Pie 2. Goodtimes. Aaron drove us home, me and Lisa had a talk about stuff....

Me and Kevin have been talking ALOT lately. I honest to god LOVE that kid...He is by far the greatest person ever....So i might just have to go to AFI with him, just so we can hang out again...

So ya, life is fucking great right about now. I really dont have any complaints.....:) This week looks good, and so does this summer..Ok my bed is looking good too, so i shall sleep! night night.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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