2002-10-15 - 9:50 p.m.
A kick in the ass

The trip home i took this weekend made me and other reliese ALOT..alot alot alot..Too much for me to put into words. I have so much on my mind right now, and i planned on writing a big entry about it all tonight, however i have a shit load of readings to do tonight, that i DIDNT get done this weekend!

All i can say are for me, things have changed. I dont care what anyone says, things will never be the same. I didnt want to believe that before, and this weekend was just a hit in the face that this was a reality....Summer was the best time of my life, and priorities are different for every person now. I dunno want to sound like im a bitch, or that i HATE EVERYONE, cause i love these people with ALL MY HEART, and i wanna be their friends forever, but its just sorta a big kick in the ass that things have changed...and it fucking sucks ass.................

Ill write an entry tommrowa, but til than i need to do what i paid 15000 dollars to do, and that is LEARN. so goodnight all.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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