2002-10-03 - 10:56 p.m.
Its thursday, and im not at issacs..something is wrong.

I just spent the last 2 hours with vicky trying to rearrange our room, and im happy with the results! more "roomy"...

Anyways, i know i know whats going on?! Its thursday night, and im still at Brock and tawnya isnt at Issac's right now, drunk, making out with random guys. Does anyone see something weird with this picture?! I certainly do..It was so hard to have people come to my room tonight, all dressed up, pre-tanking, asking if i was coming out tonight, and the words "no" hardly and slowly came outta my mouth. This might be the ONLY time you ever see me in my room or on the computer on a thursday night....weird weird weird..

I do have a assignment due tommrow, but ill get thta started soon, and since it doesnt seem i can EVER get to sleep early than 1am here, ill be up later anyways. That is the weird thing here, normally back in high school days i would go to bed at 10 EVERY NIGHT..but honestly i think i have been to sleep ONCE before 12am. Everynight is HONESTLY a weekend, but hey, NO COMPLAINING. i might start complaining thou when i have essays due....Last night i stayed up til 4am talking with victoria. She was teaching me about american politics *which i was always curious about....*, about what see thinking of canada, and we literally LAUGHED for 30 minutes about NOTHING. we just made fun of each others time-tables...It was soo funny, cause it was stupid..hahaha...I honestly think coffee makes me just as crazy as when im drunk...hmmm...

I got my first assignment back today, and im PROUD to say i got perfect! BOO-YA-GRANDMA! but i was saying to the people in my class, im gonna enjoy this moment now, cause it is ALL GOING DOWNHILL after this!!! Oh i have a new crush! His name is Adam and he is in one of my seminars. We worked in groups today, and he was in my group, and he caught my eye. He isnt like HOT HOT HOT, but there is SOMETHING about him...he has this "rugged" look...i dunno, and he is a really cool/nice guy...Hmmm maybe ill work some magic...*and he has fucking NICE arms!!!!* BONUS BONUS BONUS....extra points for contested number 1!!!

Ok well im going with jamie to after-hours to get some coffee and food...cause we are big pigs !!! My tar-tar is coming to visit me this weekend! IM EXCTED! i missed my sista!:) Ok well FOOD TIME IS NOW TIME..bye :)

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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