2002-11-19 - 11:56 a.m.
The start of a LONG LONG weekend!

Ok ive held this off long enough. I was gonna write last night, but vicki was on my comp, and than i fell asleep..yada...BUT im here now:) No promises this willl get done, as class in less than an hour, and i have a TON to say *and probably will leave out ALOT!*

I dont even care if i missed out day, we will start at thursday, because really that was the start of my weekend! Everyone chilled on the 3rd floor lounge *mine*, the boys playing some bond, and everyone pre-tanking it up!Garrat came into my room, and smeared white stuff *he was trying to pretend it was cum, but it was odviously shaving cream* on my face. So that started into a big war between me, him,matt, and stace of shaving cream fight! It was crazy fun, but kinda sucked cause we were getting ready, and garratt poured it all in my hair. So had to take a quick shower before leaving! But i smelled like boy:) Me, Jamie, and Sarah headed over to Issac's around 10:30ish, just in time to get in some last minute 2 dollar drinks! I would like to thank Alex for introducing me to Moosehead, because that is probably my favorite drink right now! So ya, we met up with ALOT of people from our house, asll the boys just chilling, drinking the beer! Oh but the Brant girls, wanted to dance it up, and with NOONE on the dance floor yet, we started the party!! After we started to dance it up, the dance floor became packed! CRAZY FUN! I got pretty buzzed, but jamie was DRUNK. so funny. ME and her would walk around holding hands, going up to guys telling them "happy birthday". Some of the guys were stupid, and were like :huh", but others would play along-(WOW you look great for just turning 80!). So ya the night consisted of drinking, dancing, good music,and randomly talking to boys. ME and jamie were taking a break on the side, and we started talking to this realy cute guy. haha jamie being the drunk introduced herself as Bambi, and me Candy. SO we went along with that the whole night...We went up on the speakers, and had this dance compeition with these boys on the other speakers! SO fun, and of cource we kicked there asses. Afterwards one of the guys came over to us, and started dancing, and proceeded to smack my ass. Yup, after that tawnee got off the speakers. Im sorry but i do not enjoy random boys smacking, let alone touching my ass! hahaha. Time went by really quick, maybe cause i never looked at my watch, and within what seemed like a few minutes of us being there, the lights went on *ie-it was 2:30!*. So me and nicole, had to help jamie walk about to our res. Never seen jamie so drunk, we stopped on the way and talked to our friend Rocky, jme peed in the trees *dont ask, i think its starting to become an issac's tradition*, and finally made it back. I passesd out right away as i had class at 9am, but oh no, EVERYONE came down to the little hall between mine and jamies room. I eventaully went to sleep.

I woke up *ah sorta missed my first two classes*, and jamie comes into my room asking if that was my camera i left in her room last night *which is was*. Well in peoples drunken states, or more or less jamies, she took naked pictures of Garratt, and about 10 close ups of her face! ahahhah, we got them developed on saturday, and too funny. We have now offically started a "butt" photo collection on my door *we have 3 right now, so send us your butts!*, and i think everyone and their grandmothers have seen garratt naked now! too funny!

FRiday was pretty good, it honestly felt like a saturday, as i only made it to one class, and the rest of the day was just jokes. I was gonna go to L3 with some of the girls in my house, but i knew if i went out that night, i was gonna stay in saturday. I got convinced out of it *cough jamie cough*, so me and her just stayed in, watch the hockey game, and ordered two large pizzas! hahhaha, while we were waiting for the pizza a bunch of the guys from shick *ie-the all boys house* were waiting for cabs, so we chatted it up with them..awww jeff mahoney was there. YES YES i know, i pretty much put in my mind, tawnee dont think he is attractive, dont think he is completely nice, etc, because he could possibly be a cousin you dont know about...but oh man, talking to him on friday i was like, ahhh...ill try to forget his last name is the same as mine, and make up a new last name for him! hahah..but ya, he is too great. ANYWAYS...friday was chillaxig night!

SATURDAY--OH YA, went to the mall, LCBO, and micky d;s! We just chilled around res, like always, me, jamie and carly went for a walk around the school, cause it was really nice out. We watched some boys wrestling in the gym, and i acually saw Lee *ie-tawnee goes back to his house, being a drunken fool, never again..ive acually been different from that night, ie-tawnee hasnt kissed anyone since!* ya, dont think he saw me, cause i was a, ll bunched up in me winterclothes, but ya. he was kinda, really, hot, ya.haha. So we watched the hockey game, and got ready to go to BIG BUCKSSSSS! love that place:) Did a little pre-tanking, than me, jamie, georgia, carly and laura headed off to Bucks. HAHA the cab ride there was pretty funny. Me and Jamie were really hyper, so we started this fight with the montreal fan of a cab driver, and us leaf fans. It was really funny, and i honestly think he was stoned, so it was scary too. When getting outta the car, i gave him the money, and said "maybe if you were a LEAF fan, you would get a tip, SUCKER!". Ya i think he probably called me a bitch, but oh well! hahah. Again there was NOONE in line cause we got there around 9:30, and i was the first to walk up to the bouncer. i guess i said "DING" when i gave him my ID, so he replyes "did you just um say DING?!/" Jamie was laughing and going on about how i would totally say that..Ya i would say that, just dont remember saying it. So he made fun of me for a good 5 minutes...

Ok well rest of story later! gtg get ready for classsss:) love you!

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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