2003-01-31 - 2:11 a.m.
Home from isaacs.

Ok im back from the bar now..im pretty sobered up right now...so i think this entry shall make sense.

So tonight was interesting to say the least....i started my drinking at 8ishness, drank a hella lot by 9:30..talked to people on MSN and blasted my music...moved around and danced to the music with my girls that made me 100 times more drunker...i honestly didnt even want to go to isaacs i was so done for the night, and just wanted to listen to my good charlotte and sleep..but no no..people left around 10, but me and jmo wanted to drink more and go later (10:30) so we left here at 10:30 and the line up was crazy long, so wedecied instead of being super hammed in line, we would come back here and get MORE wasted...which we did..jm o was fucking drunk as hell..i think she almost puked a few times, and garrett sat there sober laugjing at us both as we made fools of ourself..i think i fell down the stairs or summin...jaz and his friends came down and told us to wait for them and we would go to the bar..i think i passed out for 20 minutes in my chair, than we left at 12 for the bar again..fucking crazy long line up again,so we budded, and didnt get in til about 1am...whatever...when we did get in i was sobering up, and was still ready to PARTTTY...of cource there was lots of dancing on the speakers...and we acually saw jeremy and jordon *may remember them from chillys the first night back this semester* good to know jeremy is still hot, but fucking g/f..fuck fuck...hahhaa..oh well..we were walkeing thru the crowd and this guy stops and says "HEY your in my film class" so we talked for a while..he is from newmarket and he knows the HEATSKORES..one of my favorite local bandSS!!! HE WAS REALLY cool...so i told him to add me to MSN and he told me where to sit in film lecture on monday...so i made a new friend.

FUCK MAN..im so fucking pisses..sorry i just heard jamie run into her room, blawling....FUCKING GUYS...fuck..i mean honestly is there any GOOD guys out there..well i know there are..but FUCK....why are guys just fuckers......why do they fuck around and fucking lye....GAAAAAA i hate seeing my friends upset, expecially over mother fucking guys....SORRY..im really pissed right now.....i wish i was a tank, so i could beat the shit outta him..hahhaa..

ANYWAYS ill calm down now...so ya i made a new friend..how cute...he is cute too..awww....so emo..hahha...ANYWAYS than i was on the stage, and i had this COMPLETELY wasted guy harrasse me for about 15 minutes..he would NOT leave me the fuck alone..bu now i was pretty sobered up...and i went on the speakers to try to save myself *guys arent allowed on there* but he proceeded to pull and tug at my legs....ahhh.it was amusing, but scary at the same time..hahaha..

So wejust got back...got me some pizzza which is fucking good when youve been drrrinking!!!!!!! YAYAYYA my new friend kevin added me to MSN..woo hoo..hahhaa i cant believe i get so excited when i make new friends..haha im such a loser....but at least i can admit it:P

So ya...tonight was pretty interesting, and tommrowa itS HOOOMEEE time!!! yayayayyayaya...i dont wanna take out my fucking tongue piercing..FUCKING FUCK....WHY do i have to like piercings so much...now ill just end up getting another one...ga. so ya..tommorow is class, hometime, than chiiling at home!!!! If anyones wants to chill tommorow you know where im at *home* hahaha...saturday im chilling some more...gonna give matt a "holla"*haha stupid lingo* to chill with him, and HOPEFULLY drink saturday night! ow ow...sunday will be more chilling! hahaha...i love my chilling..

ok i think i should stop this madness...my bed looks mighty good right now:P love ya.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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