2003-03-20 - 11:01 a.m.
Delayed entry

Man after 2 days of trying to put this entry up, i can finally do it. I have so much more to say, but i have no time to write about it now. So til than, enjoy this entry.

Hey foos. Im so bored outta my mind right now. So ya. I promised you pictures in this entry, and I will deliever. I only got the pictures from markus camera, im hoping by the time I finish this entry alex will have sent the ones from him. But if not here at SOME pictures from this weekend. I took a lot of these pictures, most of them are from the next morning, when we are all extremely hung over. The one picture of a coat is alexs coat he PUKED on the night before. Beautiful I know.

So ya�ive honestly been having the best two weeks. Its so great, and with the weather getting good, it makes everything even BETTER!!! I think I already talked about Sunday. I went rollerblading a thousand times that day, It was around 15C outside, it was like September again at Decew rez, everyone outside on their balconys, and outside enjoy themselves it was great. We went rollerblading again at night and went on a walk to mcshits across the street *they just opened it, and it torture being so close to the uni now! * I had an essay due the next day, but was distracted by everything, so I dodnt start it til 1am, and actually got it done by 3am. I rock, I know I know.

Monday was a fucking GREAT day! It was the day all the Irish like me look forward to, and everyone else that drinks, ST PATTY�S DAY!!! I WOKE up pretty early, I mean how could I not with it being 20C outside. It was fucking beautiful, It was so hard to go to class, cause everyone was walking OUTSIDE to class and everyone and their grandma�s was outside enjoying the day. Over at Decew rez we were on our balconys, talking to the all-boys house * Shick *. That�s where Jeff Mahoney lives, *drools *. I was sitting in my room listening to music and I hear �MAHONEY, GET OUT HERE�. So I go on my balcony and it was Jeff. He was like �Why don�t you have green on, with a last name like Mahoney, you have to show the Irish Pride.� I laughed, and told him I couldn�t find any, �WHATTT, MAHONEY im so disappointed, what Irish girl doesn�t have green?�..�um, its at..home..ya�. Sorry he is ahhhhh so fucking hot. I seriously want to rape him he is so hot and amasing. The only part that stops me is the STUPID fact that I cant get out of my mind he has the same last name, and people would think we are cousins or summin *which we are not..no possible way we are directed or CLOSELY related for that matter..trust me we have tried to figure it out��. Sorry he would make any girls day�..So the rest of the day consisted of rollerblading, being outside on the balcony, watching everyone start to get drunk at 1pm. Very amusing. We had heard people say that downtown was already packed *this was at 3pm * and people were linging up. So we were originally gonna go downtown to Chilli�s, but that changed so we deceded to go ot Isaacs. ME and jamei went rollerblading around the campus at 6, and Isaacs was already packed. So it changed from going at 10 to leaving at 7. We started drinking it up around 6, and me and a bunch of people headed over at 7:30.

Thankfully there was no line up at Isaacs, YET, but the place was defiantly packed. We got a table, and all the shick boys were there, looking good. They all had white t-shirts on with green writing all over, and there last names on the back. Jeff came up and said hi to me, and he was looking DAMN GOOD. At the place there was honestly all the guys I think are the hottest guys at school. Jeff, Sean *the guy I slept in his bed last semester *,hot john *who I hadn�t seen forever, and he came up to me, and offered to play me in a game of pool, which of cource I did not turn down, that was weird, he kept like rubbing up against me and stuff *, this guy arron *who knows I think he is fucking hot, cause I say it everytime he walks by..haha *, and yes I know, brandon * Friday night *. Jamie actually pointed him out to me right away �Hey tawnee, guess who is here, brandooonnn�. I was kinda like �oh no, I really don�t wanna see him, blah blah, he is probably gonna ignore me, blah blah�. But I was playing pool with Nicole, and I saw him chilling with Jeff and all those guys *Brandon and jeff actually played on the same hockey team in Markham, along with drew..haha *. I noticed he kept looking over and stuff, and I would kinda turn away�I was getting all nervous cause he kept looking over, and I knew he saw me and stuff. So I was playing, and he started to make him way over, I avoided looking at him at all costs, and I turn around and there he was. He smiled and was like �Hey there, I saw you from over there, so I thought id come and say hi�how are you doing???� In my head I was like �tawnya, he is an asshole�..but he is hot�but maybe he really isn�t an asshole�ahhh�. Fuck why does he have to be so hot�So ya we chatted it up for a bit. I played it cool, acted like I was more interested in the pool game than him, when really he was a lot more pleasing to look at. FUCKKKKKK I hate guys. Ive had too many guys be jerks, and yet I try to make them out to not be in my mind. He may be a really ncie guy, but he kinda blew it Friday night. Fucking boys and all them just wanting sex. ANYWAYS, I drank lots of beer�played lots of pool�had a good old time. They closed the door around 9 because it was packed, and there was huge line. We met up with people. They had this one band perform, and they were amasing. All covers, and everyone was going crazy, singing the songs. It was insane, because everyone was drunk by 8, and at 9 it felt like it was 2am. I remember looking at my watch thinking it was SOOOO late and it was only 9:30. HAHHA Like I said early Jeff makes anyones night. I was playing pool yet again, and Jeff was in my way, so I pushed him and told him to get outta my way, joking. He was talking to Brandon actually, and he turns to me and gose �ohh im soo sorry..HEY Brandon, guess what her last name�. Brandon kinda smiles at me, and reply �Mahoney, I knew that!�. Its weird cause im alsot POSITIVE I didn�t tell him my last night. Hmmm..So Jeff was like �Hey cuz, sign my shirt�. So I took my SWEET ass time signing the back of his shirt. *laughs * Im such a pathelic person. Its funny. So ya I think we left around 11ish, and me and Christine laughed our way back to rez. Jamie left earlier, so we found her, and decided to walk to mcshits. We got ourselves there, and at this mc d�s when they close they let people WALK thru the drive thru. So there was honeslty packs of kids, car, more people on feet, car, etc. It was hilarious. We met up with Sean, Ian, and Paulo, so fucking drunk were they. Oh man..it was good times. We walked our asses back, there was some drama and fights in the house, and drew started yelling at me cause he thought I stole someones mattress or sum shit like that *the guys were all hammered and blaming everyone for stupid shit� * so I placed myself in the safety of my room. I actually talked to Ian *Guy I met about a year ago, whom was also knows as �BUS BOY�. * It was really nice to talk to him, we were both kinda drunk so that makde things easier�awww he is a sweetheart and I also find it sooo funny how we met�It�s a small world!

Today has been pretty good. I slept in, the weather wasn�t as nice as the last 2 days, but all the snow is gone, so that�s a plus. Iwent to classes, and just chillaxed around. I went to the mall with a few people, got my pictures back from last night. Now ive just been talking to people and relaxing. Im not sure what to do about this weekend. Im REALLY tempted to go home, but I don�t have money, and also my don asked to use my room for the �brock open house� on Sunday so I kinda wanna make be here to show people my beautiful room. Mardi Gras is also happening at Isaacs this SAturday�so I really think no matter what I do, im gonna be spending money I don�t have. But if I go home my parents are more likely to help me get home. I don�t knowww�someone help. Ok im tired. Night.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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