2003-03-21 - 12:09 a.m.
What a past.

"i would RATHER my dad give me the car. but for the last two months tuesdays are my favorite day on the bus. why? let me describe. way cool guy. wixed piercings. cool hair. beautiful eyes. just overall cuteness. he sits in the same sit every tuesday. i assume he goes to school downtown toronto *he gets off the train..* its funny how i TRY not to look at him, but yet we catch each others eye every once in a while. ONE DAY..one day ill work up the nerve to talk to him.wait, i know i wont. im too chicken shit."

Every so often i look in my older diary and look back at entries EXACTLY a year from todays day. This was part of the entry from this day last year. Its so fucking funny looking back on what i wrote sometimes, the things i say, and how they work out. I think it was my last entry i even talked about Ian *this was bus boy* and who would have know at that time when i wrote the entry that we would HAPPEN to go to the same guys house, and happen to hit it off so well. Its so fucking weird to look back on my life, and how much SENSE it makes when i look back, but when i look forward of my life, im so confused.

I posted an entry earlyer today. This was just another shocker. Its also fucking weird how people from the past just come back into your lives every so often. Some people i wish would come back more than others, BUT STILL. A phone call from andrew last night was the least of what i expected, and for me to acually call him today too, another unexpected turn. Its unexpected events like this, that makes me happy to be alive. Everyone knows i love surprises......

:) What i dont know about tommrowa is what drives me thru the day.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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