2003-04-17 - 4:11 p.m.
CONGRATS tarah!!!!

First off i would like to say congrats to my baby sister for getting into the university she wanted to...which of cource is where all the cool kids go, BROCK!!! oh ya, so me and tarah are gonna run that school next year (that is, if i dont fail out...grrr). So go give tarah some love, and congrats to her!!!! YAYAYA PLUS she got a scholarship, how awsome is that..She definatly got all the smart genes.

Ok i was gonna write about my last few days, but im going to the mall with Lisa. Tonight im going drinking with Urbs and Alex, so that will take my mind off school and studying. :) Ok so ill write an entry tommrowa..or maybe tonight when im drunk. maybe..i try to stay away from here.


**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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