2003-04-29 - 11:51 p.m.
Party til the end

Finally. Im starting to hate diaryland, and it never letting me update.

Well well well. Im home. Surprising im not as sad as i thought i would be. Maybe im still in the stage where i feel like im just home for the weekend *maybe this explains why it feels like a friday*. Maybe ive only been home for 6 hours....i guess it will hit me soon. However, i am very impressed with my room right now. Alot better than before i went away *maybe cause now i have so much shit...*. Hmmm.

So i guess ill take you back to a time at brock. So i dont know what i last talked about. I had an exam on friday, which i think i kicked ass in. That night, i think i passed out early, or some shit, who knows. Saturday i had planned to study all day, but that sure as hell didnt happen. It was too nice of a day, and i really dont know! I had planned to go out that night, but not to drink that much, maybe a beer or two. HA. Well i was chilling with Jamie, and she conviced me to have some of her alcohol. Who turns down free alcohol ? So we drank, and waited for people to finish up there exams. We left around 10ish, and got to Bucks. There was a HUGE ass line, but we found martina and carly so we got in right away! It was packed, packed, packed. First person i see, Kevin. I kinda tried not to look at him, but he pushed me, and asked how it was going. Put a smile on my face, again, that i was being a total idoit in my theory that he hated me *oh we will get to this later*. So ya we hit up the bar, and got beer, and more beer! I hadnt eaten anything the whole day, so i was definatly feeling it. Me and Jmo chilled around, trying to get away from certain people, and walk around looking for people. Good times. Um, i was at the bar, and Jamie told me Ryan *or commonly refered to as my boyfriend...hahaha any boys we like/hook up with/think are hot, we refer to as our boyfriends, cause we are huge losers who cant stay interested in a guy long enought for them to ACUALLY become our b/f's* was behind me, and not to turn around. So i didnt, but he saw me, and punched me *what is it with guys punching or pushing me...haha*. So we talked for a bit, and ya, NOTHING there at all. He is nice to look at, but thats all he does for me. Just no sparks, i tried, i relaly did to really like him, but blah. Really nice, funny, cool guy, but i just cant pin point what it is! Oh well.

Now let me give ya backround on this story before i tell it. We all know Rudy *IM CALLING HIM HIS REAL NAME FROM NOW ON...BRENT*. Well recently he has been calling me. I either miss his call, or one night i was studying and didnt wanna be bothered. Well he told Jmo the week before at Bucks he really wants to get to know me..blah blah blah. Again we all know how funny i find the sitation, that i really didnt know him AT ALL, we would make out everytime i went to the bar this semester, and i hooked up with his roommate to begin with. ANYWAYS, so before we went out i was telling Jmo how funny it would be if he was there, and how i would HAVE to kiss him just for the hell of it, since it was the last night. I was dancing, having a good time on saturday at Bucks...I got kinda drunk, and later in the night Jamie tells me Brent is here. So i laugh, and we go find him. So i said hi, whatever, went and danced some more...Ok ill get back to that after i tell you about the Kevin thingy.

I was getting another drink with Jamie and Krista, and i saw Kevin again. He pushed me kinda again, and hi, how are you, whatever. He was with some girl, and this is not gonna make any sense, but i was kinda jealous. SEE I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT HIM...i mean the reason why this sitation ende up being the way it was, was because i just wanted to be friends, and he wanted more...so i kinda pushed him away so he wouldnt get the wrong impression. So why did it bug me so much that we never talked anymore, and that he was with this other girl? He walked away with this girl all over him. I just wanted to talk to him, and i was a drunk and being stupid. So i was walking around the bar with the girls, randomly talking to people we knew on the way, and i saw Kevin, so we walked by him like twice, and than his bathroom buddy *haha they share a washroom* stops me, and we started talking *this is the guy i started randomly fighting a few weeks ago when i was plastered, and dont remember what i told Kevin*. So we were talking, and Kevin was beside him talking to this girl. He turns to me, and we just started talking. Ya so i asked him why we dont talk anymore, and how i thought he hated me...and he was shocked, cause he thought i hated him. *how fucking retarded is this*. So we established to each other we didnt hate each other, and how stupid we were to think that...and than i started going on about how much i loved the AFI CD he gave me..and he was telling me how we were gonna go to the concert together...yadda yadda yadda. He grabbed my hands at one point, and we kinda just held hands for a bit. IT WAS WEIRD, but im glad i got to talk to him *even if i was drunk, and was being stupid with being so upfront*. I know ive said this before, but he is such an awsome guy, and it sucks the way things had to go, but like im really glad we talked. So yahis buddy started bugging him to go home, so he promised he would talk to me more, and we would hang out in the summer and shit. I got home that night, and there was a message from him saying "See i dont hate you...!".

Ok so after that, i went to go buy another drink and find people, and Brent came up to me. So that started us talking for what seemed like two hours. He is really cute. Really cute acually. He is VERY very very different that what i thought, he is a realy cool guy. He is really sweet too, in the middle of a conversation he would just have this huge smile and tell me how beautiful/pretty/cute i was. We started talking about music, and i was soooo shocked he is into the same music i am, and i started going on about bands i like, and as i was talking, he stoped me and said "ive never seen a girl be so cute when talking about music..thats the cutest i have seen you..you are awsome.". I couldnt stop smiling. I kinda brought up something REALLY bad, and i almost started crying, because i wasnt thinking, and i brought up about his life that i shouldnt have. He is just a really really really nice guy. We got kicked outta the downstairs area, cause they were cleaning it, so we talked some more upstairs, and just in the middle of talking he would just kiss me. It was really cute. He kept telling me how it wants to see me over the summer *he doesnt live that far*. I remember looking at my watch and it was 2:30, and the slow songs hadnt come on yet, but they did shortly. I just remember we were talking, and he kissed me again, and we just kissed til the song was over. It was SOOO different from the other times. We walked to find our friends, and went our separte ways. EVERYONE was sooo drunk, so funny. It took us an hour to get a fucking cab, because downtown was PACKED with people, police on every corner controling the place. Got back to res around 4ish, and i walk in to my rooml, and trina and her boyfriend greg were on the floor *they put the matress on the fucking floor* naked. HAHHA i just stodd there, and everyone ran into the room, and stood there. I felt really bad. So i was gonna sleep in jmos room, but than the door was open and he was gone, so i passed out.

Woke up who knows when, and told trina i didnt know Greg would be there, and she told me "well i didnt expect you to be home.." hahhaa cause of my habit to sleep at boys houses *cough ryan cough* when i go to the bars. No no, i was a good girl this night.

Um i had my last two exams on monday. Got raped in the ass by sociology....but whatever, cant change it now. Last night was really sad, and funny. I was putting away all the pictures on the wall, and i was wiping off the ceiling where we wrote all over it with high lighter. Well i noticed the ceiling paint starting to bubble and peel, and so i riped off a piece, and jamie decided we should take off ALL THe paint. So we did that for an hour, but half way thru it wouldnt come off anymore. It was so funny, but u had to be there. I talked alot with Jmo, looking back on all the good time of the year. I spent my first night at Uni with Jmo at the beer tent, and the last night taking off paint. HAHAHAHHA Probably one of the closest friends ive had in my life, she is the greatest. I was joking around, and she started to get all sad and told me "tawnya, you are the greatest, im gonna miss you so much". That made me so sad. But we are probably gonna hang out alot this summer *I HOPE!!! * and i hope with alot of the people from uni. When saying goodbye today we decided to drive back to St catties this saturday, and chill in our NEW HOUSE, and go party. So if we do go, anyone from pickering is welcome to come:) So ya.

Ok my hand hurts, so ill write more tommrowa:) Good night.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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