2003-05-15 - 12:11 a.m.
Goodtimes on my days off.

I wanna update cause im not really tired, and i have no time in the near future....

Sooooo yes i had two days off. And it was LOVELY! i did A WHOLE lot of nothing. I dont know how i would survive not working, even thou i complain alot about going to work everyday...it sure beats sitting around, trying to think of ANYTHING, and i mean anything to do...I was seriously considering cleaning and organizing my room. When in my right mind would i come up with that! Instead i downloaded a shit load of punk songs today, acually enough for 2 possibly 3 CD'S for me to burn...but that will have to wait til another day when i have nothing to do.

Last night, me, Lisa, Markus, Axle and Alex S. went over to The Fox and watched the Sens/Devils game, and got some 30 cent wings and drinks. Goodtimes...lots of laughs. Those boys are too funny, and weird...We stayed til there was absolutly NO ONE left in the place but us, and the lady working there acually seemed togive us the eye to "get the fuck out". So lisa drove us home...

Today as i said, i did nothing...I went to the bank! That was exciting. I got some money orders for my purchases i have made on EBAY! haha...Alex came and picked up me and tarah around 7:30 and we went to Whitby to Alex's old highschool, for some punk show. It was very cute..haha. There were like 3 bands, and they were acually pretty good. It was funny..goodtimes for sure. We left around 10ish. I got home and my mom told me greg called, so i called him back, and weve been acually talking since then *well finished when i started writing this entry*. HAHAH more goodtimes. I invited him to Alex's party on friday, and i told Alex today that i think im gonna do "century club" at his party, Im hoping Lisa will do it too, since we were talking about it the other day! I dont wanna make a complete fool of myself when i only make it to like 40! hahaha. No no, i must start getting ready now! Oh you know what else is COOL..hahahha...This is kinda funny, but i think its totally cute, and im soo excited..But we were talking about hanging out..and than after argueing it was decided that i had to plan the day, and he would pick the day. So he picked Sunday Afternoon *just so happens i have it off!* and i was thinkin of something to do, and he jokingly metioned going to the zoo...HAHA So after me going on about how i wanted to do that, we are going to the zoo sunday! hahaha i find that so cute, and its free..boo-ya grandma!

I think im way too tired right now, and am finding everything way to cute...so i think im gonna go to bed! Long day tommmrow of work, than the Meadowvale show with Lisa...should be good:)

Ok night night.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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