2003-05-28 - 10:18 p.m.
Im pathelic

I guess it went from bad to better. I think i just made this day crappy.

Last night after i wrote that entry i went to bed. Had the worst sleep in a while..Just 3 really bad dreams about things that could be related to real life..so it kinda hit hard. I woke up at 7, feeling really down, than went into my parents room and slept in there cause everyone had gone to work or school.

I woke up at 11ish, and it was so beautiful and sunny outside. I decided today was the day i would not be so fucking pasty white anymore. So i jumped into the shortest shorts i had, and a tube top, grabbed my walkman and lyed outside. One song wasnt even done, before these HUGE rain clouds came moving in, and blocked my sun. Yes the start of a crappy day. So i put back my brock doctor pants, and a sweater, and headed down to the dungeon *my basement* and i watched "the sum of all fears". Tarah came home, and we watched "swimfan". I was in the crappest mood in my mind..thinking about the stupidest things, and just making myself miserable for NO REASON.

My mom is really sick now *and i feel bad, because its from me acually*. So she gave us money and we ordered pizza. That was a plus to my day *yes PATHELIC how pizza and garlic dipping sauce acually MADE MY FUCKING DAY*. i JUST didnt want to go out tonight...i wanted to sit at home and be stupid. so i did.

It was pathelic acually. I just lyed in bed and listened to music..i was gonna go to sleep...but i decided to go downstairs and watch tv...I was watching the final eposiode of Dawsons Creek...stupidnes....But Greg called and that made my day better, because it meant i wasnt alone to think some more.

Hahah that kid cracks me up thou...he is a con-artist..hahhaa...i cant be mad at him, no matter how much i try. It was another good talk thou..but i kinda felt more pathelic because we somehow started talking about our relationships in the past, and i havent had a "titled" relationship in three years, just a whole ton of "seeing people". We started talking about "dating" and it weirded me out SOOOOO MUCH...he was like ok, im taking you on a date...and i got weirder out because IVE never been on that many dates. I think ive only ever gone on a "date" to the movies. Im not down with all this formal, traditional, planned shit..so weird. Oh well...at least we could make a joke outta the situation. SO YA...

Thats the essence of a very pointless, none exciting day. Im hoping this week gets better, but it will, cause tommrowa is thursday, and thursdays are always good.

BAHHH....im going to bed.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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