2003-06-06 - 5:34 p.m.
Read all you can before i lock it SUXAS!!!


Sorry im in a really good mood right now. I sometimes honestly think it has to do with the weather...

So lets go back to Monday. It was an awsome day. I had the day off, so me and tarah woke up SUPER early *ie-6am*, we got the car for the day and headed down to St catharines and Niagara Falls. We hit up St catties first so i could show tarah my house for next year and see whats been going on near Brock. Awww i miss school so much. Everynight this week ive had dreams about going back to school. Scary eh? After that little stop we drove to Niagara Falls and Trina's canadian parents house. We waited around for Trinas b/f Greg to show up, and than we all headed off for a day in the falls. So we went to the butterfly conservatory first..Than drove back to the main part of N/F's and did stuff ive NEVER done before. First we did the "journey behind the falls" which was soo cool. Going behind the falls and getting soaking wet! hehe. Than we did the "maid of the mist

boat thingy that goes RIGHT to the falls. Man it was awsome. It was so beautiful....After that we did the whole clifton hills touristy stuff. Since me and tarah work at the zoo we get free admissions with a guest to like every attraction in ontario, so we hit up the free stuff! We than hit up Casino Niagara minus Tarah.. Who would have known that greg would have won 300 dollars off one 75cent slot machine! Trina came out big too and won 20 dollars. As for me, a big ZERO!!!! 10 dollars in the hole. Oh well, still fun! I talked with some old ladies..haha. After that we headed to the "skylon" tower i think it is called. Which over looks the falls. I never really understood the whole novality behind the falls, but they are really fucking awsome when you sit back and take everything in. We got some really good pictures back, so tarah should be scanning those soon, and than go hit up her journal . Oh we also did the rainbow bridge crossing, as trina wanted to experience being in Canada and the US at the same time. hahaha. Funny she almost didnt get BACK into canada. Goodtimes. Ya so by the time we were done it was 6:30. We headed back to Trinas Canadian parents house, and they made a YUMMMY dinner for us!!!! Since we had 2 hours of driving ahead for us, me and tarah left at 8:30ish. Aww im getting sad thinking about the goodbye. Of cource there was crying.:( I told myself i wasnt gonna cry, but im a sissy. I dont cry that often, so i tried to hold back, but i couldnt:( I acualy bought Trina a Canada book, Canadian shot glass, and i wrote this long letter with pictures for her. I told her not to open it til she was on the plane to europe *which was yesterday*...Fuck thats so weird to think about...so next up, TAWNYA GOES TO AUSTRALIA!!! i hope....i will...i promised Trina i would. I value her friendship too much to not see her again, and have the opportuinty to experience what she did. Anyways we got home in record time *one hour and 20 minutes*. Um i think i just went to bed.

Tuesday. I worked um 12:30 til 7ish. I came home talked to a few people. I was in the mood to go out, so i was talking to Billy on MSN and we kinda made plans to do something this week, so we decided to hang out that night. So i got ready, and headed out to Ajax to meet up with him and a few of his friends at the frikin. It was just a laid back night there, pool tables and stuff. So we played a few games of pool, and talked. After we ran outta money to play pool we sat down and just talked. I really enjoy talking to him, so it was fun. I left around 12ish.

Wednesday- Worked again 12:30 til 7ish. Came home, and tarah was like "we are going out..get ready" Memories of last summer.. hehe. So ya literally ran outta the house, and we picked up andie and robin, headed to micky d's than over to the Ajax rec center. We met up with Alison and watched Urbas's roller hockey game. It was acually really good. After that we waited for Urbs and Pop's and than we all headed over to Timmy ho's in Pickering. Noone got anything, so we just sat around and talked. Nice to catch up on things. I think when i got home, i talked to greg for a bit, than went to bedddd.

Yesterday i work 10:30 til 5. Our hours are being cut down and we are getting sent home earlyer because after 3pm there is NOONE there. Kinda sucks, but i guess better than nothing. I came home, and did shit all. Oh the other day i got like all my ebay purchases.. hehehe i love ebay:) So i got me a finch poster, Dookie *green day* CD, GC self titles CD, and The Ataris keychain/bottle opener.. sigh:) Today i got AFI CD:) yayaya. Sorry this makes me happy! um ok what was i saying...So ya last night i got ready and all that shit, Robin came and picked me up. We had to make a stop at mcshits first, because they never gave me back my bank card the day before *grr*, and than we headed to our weekly bar, The Raven and Firkin. Every week it seems to GET BUSIER AND busier. Me and Lisa claim to have "made this place" HAHAHA. So ya we had to wait in line for like 5 min...we met up with Lindsay W. inside, and than a bunch of Lisa's friends from whitby and school were there. It was a very laid back night. I had alot of fun thou.

Ok me and tarah are going to mcshits...ill update the rest when i get back!

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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