2003-06-08 - 10:29 p.m.
Frenchmans bay festival of fun.

Hey..gonna make this snappy.

I added an entry last night in my drunkness, but i woke up in the middle of the night and erased it. HAHA biggest loser in the world right here. It was really nothing..why i deleted it, who knows?! But if you were lucky enough to read it...um good for you!

Yesterday was probably one of the best days so far in summer. I know i metioned the science center in my last entry, but i mean it wasnt til later in the day, acually when me and lisa were talking about it, that i really reliesed HOW much fun we really had. It was a fucking great time. hahah and as we would say, a GREAT DOUBLE DATE, you know me and lisa make a GREAT couple:) ow ow. so YA....last night after many plans, Lisa came and got me and tarah, and than we picked up Lindsay W, and Robin. We headed over to Borg's house and some guys were there. Me and Lindsay were the only ones drinking. So we had a few, than we headed to south Pickering to the annual Frenchman's Bay Festival. In my 9 years living here, i have NEVER been, and man you need to be drunk or high or on SOME drugs for me to ever go there! hahaha it was so ghetto but so ghetto it was funny!!! Lisa had to go pick up people so me, robin and lindsay hit up the beer tent *not really a tent*, and more beer drinkign occured. Lindsay G was there, so that was really nice to see her, and chill with her! awwww! So ya nothing exciting...Lindsay W was HAMMMERED thou, it was very amusing. So ya we chilled there, good times. The whitby boys *im gonna refer to Greg, Tony, Matt and Telus as whitby boys from now on* showed up when it was done (at 12am) and they werent lettinganyone in, so we chugged our beers, and met up with them. We decided to go to Bob's for a bit. We drove by, and there was a line, so we just went to The Bear and Firkin. It was fun, but this time i was pretty drunk...got another beer, and me and Lindsay W played pool with these two guys. Lost HORRIBLY *could it be because we were wasted??!*...Than i just sat around and talked to Tony and Matt. Everyone seemed to be scaterred everywhere..or maybe im just dumb. So we left around 1. Lindsay was sick, and it amases me that she had never thrown up from drinking before *same with robin, how do u ladies do it?* HOWEVER i got to witness lindsays first time! hahahha..ya that kinda sobered me up, and i helped her to her house...aww i hope she is feeling better. Lisa drove me home, we had a little talk, and than i came inside. I was probably my drunkest RIGHT when i got home, which sucked, because i had noone around. So i randomly talked to people on my MSN, than passed out in bed.

Today i worked 12:30 til 8ish. Boring...boring in africa. I came home for 2 seconds, than went RIGHT back to the zoo for a rides/retail staff meeting. Boring, but we get paid 3 hours for a hour meeting. No complains.

Ok i gotta go BACK to work in less than 9 hours, so to sleep i go...Night.

**visit my blog journal for more crazy thoughts and stories of my messed up life..**

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